Man strips to show you loose skin after massive weight loss

< iframe size="425" height="355" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen > A boy uploaded a video that reveal his loosened skin and describes his insecurities after extreme weight loss.
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20 thoughts on “Man strips to show you loose skin after massive weight loss

  1. I like him better with loose skin than being obese. Being obese is so miserable. We all make mistakes, some smoke till their lungs are black, but you can't really see that on the outside so… I dunno.

  2. I hope he's doing well today πŸ™‚ I've lost 216 lbs over the last 10 years and I'm very fortunate to only have a very small amount of loose skin on my stomach/arms/legs. Good luck if you're also on a weight loss journey, peace and love ❀

  3. It's interesting how supportive people are.
    Honestly, no one should have gotten this overweight in the first place and the main focus should be to prevent loose skin by any means necessary.
    Take your time, let your body adjust gradually.

  4. Congratulations i feel you my skin is me i havent went no where same person I had bypass 2008 lost 170lbs

  5. Ok i was lookong up loose skin videos to see if what i had was mostly loose skin or still had alot of fat. Ive lost 123.6 lbs over the last year, im nowhere near this yet.

  6. last words was most important:
    β€œobviously knowing I’m gonna live longer”

  7. I lost 130+ have some loose skin but I’m working on filling some of it out with muscle but yeah I was a long journey for sure

  8. I've lost 90 pounds and I've been stressing about extra skin, thanks for the Inspiration

  9. I think excess skin removal after weight loss should be free. It would be a literal reward

  10. and im willing to bet, sadly, none of you women would give the poor guy a chance

  11. This may sound mean but the loose skin looks really bad, he looked better being fat. Im 5' 10" 270lbs and I'm trying to lose weight, but seeing stuff like this really kills my motivation

  12. Disgusting… makes me not want to do the surgery…130 lbs is all I need to lose. Just stopping food hope it works

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