Time to DECREASE your belly fat NOW| Dr Pal

< iframe width="425" height="355" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/k_IXUuh2ZV8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen > Belly fat is increasingly common nowadays triggering abdominal weight problems resulting in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and death. Untimely end is taking place in many young people. 25% of the moment, it is totally unfortunate. Nevertheless, for the remaining times, if we could’ve focused on the lifestyle transforms a little bit more, we could have prevented this calamity. it is high time that we recognize the issue and change our way of life.

Dr. Palaniappan Manickam MD, MPH.
Internal Medicine|Gastroenterology|Epidemiologist.

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20 thoughts on “Time to DECREASE your belly fat NOW| Dr Pal

  1. I love when he said it is our responsibility to be alive until our kids turn 18, turning 18 so that even if something happens to us, they will be self dependant by that time, it reminded of that women who was mother to a new born performed adultry and her punishment was supposed to be hit by stones until death, but the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used this exact reason to delay her punishment and to make sure no one knows of it and asked her to forget about it until your child grrows up as he needs your milk at this time, you cannot die, (this woman had realised her mistake and was eager for the punishment as repentance), breastfeeding period ended and she came back for repentance, the prophet had seen her being ashamed of what she did and could not sentence her to be stoned to death, he brought up the child again, and said she cannot die until he is able to eat by himself i.e. If given something to eat, he would know he has to eat it, and will eat himself with his hands. The prophet(peace be upon him) delayed the punishment again, the women taught her child to eat at a relatively small age and came back to the prophet(peace be upon him), now there was no other reason was left for her to be alive, and eventually was stoned to death.

    One of the Moral of the story : stay alive if you have kids and take good care of them as it is you responsibility.

  2. Slap on the face

    If you don’t have a time for your wellness your family will be forced it to make time for your illness

  3. For anyone who has the responsibility of taking care of children AND aging parents, this is even more important! πŸ™

  4. Very true and powerful message sir ..My dad use to say same ..Our health is important for our own family growth

  5. Sir I do life insurance & Education plans for these type of persons. In case they still want to get married.

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