TRYING CELLULITE OIL SO YOU DONT HAVE TO: getting rid of my thigh cellulite ??

< iframe width= "425" elevation= "355" src= "" frameborder =" 0" allowfullscreen > DOES CELLULITE OIL WORK? Trying Cellulite Oil & Hanker one month To Lower Cellulite|Maelys

Products used ~.
Butt Mask:
Cellulite Oil:

What do you believe???

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Music by Mark Generous – Cozy Sands –
Songs by Ryan Little – desire you were here. –

#Cellulite #CelluliteReduction #CelluliteTreatment #MorganGreen.

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14 thoughts on “TRYING CELLULITE OIL SO YOU DONT HAVE TO: getting rid of my thigh cellulite ??

  1. Thank you so so so so Morgan for sharing this vlog and I love your vlogs so so so much you inspired me so so so much and I wish you reach 30K Subscribers very very soon!😊💞✨

  2. It made a difference. If you went like three months consistently probably 80% would go away.

  3. great video! I totally believe being hydrated is impacting it, or at least I feel like it does for mine

  4. Cellulite can almost disappear in some lighting, and appear in other types of lighting. That’s why I think it’s almost gone, or getting better, and then the sunlight hits it, and I’m like ☹️

  5. ‼️OMG SAME! Im on the same journey as you! Try the "M3 Natural Anti-Cellulite Oil" Im on week 3 and already see a big difference in combination with daily walks. Try it and flim it for us please ❤

  6. I have a friend who is very fit, does all the powders, shes consistent and has incredible muscles and is leeeean. But i saw her in a swimsuit looking flawless and the sunlight hit and she had cellulite 😐 thats when i realized 1. It doesn’t look as bad as we might think. And 2. Everyone has it. Can’t we just be grateful for the legs/ butt we have and not criticize them? They hold us up. Move us around. Endure high heels 😂

  7. Good morning Morgan happy Saturday morning and I loved your vlogs and you are amazing Supporter and I'm proud of you

  8. I also always have cellulite on my butt and thighs no matter how much I weigh. Very convenient to put them on and not need to wash them off! Ehhhh yeah maybe like a little different but definitely not life changing lol! I never knew that hydration can impact cellulite so that's definitely good to know!!

  9. You are right, not much of a change, if any 😢thank you for trying this for us.

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