Total Body Pilates! 20 Minute Tone & Shape, Legs, Butt, Abs, Beginners Home Workout, Flexib

Total Body Pilates! 20 Minute Tone & Shape, Legs, Butt, Abs, Beginners Home Workout, Flexib

Join Kait for a 20 minute Pilates Workout to tone and shape the legs, butt, abs, arms and build strength
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Total Body #Pilates! 20 Minute Tone & Shape, Legs, Butt, Abs, #Beginners Home #Workout, #Flexibility

Join Kait for a 20 minute Pilates Workout to tone and shape the legs, butt, abs, arms and build strength, flexibility and a healthy, fit body! Kait teaches yoga, ballet and pilates.

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Yoga Mat by Yoga Design Lab

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Full Body Workout: Kettle Bell Exercise Routine, Tone at Home Cardio Fitness Training, Burn Fat FAST

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Filmed at Atomic Athlete in Austin, Texas

This video was produced by psychetruth

Home – Studio

Music by Scotty B

© Copyright 2013 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Full Body Workout Kettle Bell Exercise Routine Tone at Home Cardio Fitness Training Burn Fat FAST “full body” “full body workout” “kettle bell” exercises “exercise routine” “fitness workout” “weight loss” “work out” Dena Psychetruth “fitness Training” fit “strength training” “for beginners” “at home” “home workout” “Burn Fat” “fat burn” “fat burning” extreme “Dena Psychetruth” “workout video” “Dena Maddie” workouts fitness “todayiwillbefit” #Psychetruth #WellnessPlus
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40 thoughts on “Total Body Pilates! 20 Minute Tone & Shape, Legs, Butt, Abs, Beginners Home Workout, Flexib

  1. Just Google Fat Blast Formula and you will find out how some foods 'explode' in your stomach.

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  3. I did not have a weight or milk jugs so I used my text books. And they work fabulously.

  4. So, I haven’t worked out in a while, and today is day1……. Thank you!!!!!! I’m going to blast this work out on my social media… Mimie AcostaOne, Two and Three on FB…… I feel great!!!!

  5. I did my first kettle bell workout today. Now you have my full attention! Thanks

  6. Dear Dena . I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for this amazing kettle bell workout. Today is my FIRST DAY of workout / exercise after years, and I enjoy this simple and easy workout. I am inspired and convinced that I can do it, and can continue. Really appreciate your effort to bring out such a beneficial video

  7. I’m gonna try to do this hopefully at least twice a week! I’ll take notes here.

    First day: Technically I’ve done it once before. It was a tiny bit easier!🤗

  8. Thank you so much for this. I haven't worked out in a while & this is a great reintroduction to my fitness journey. It got real when those small circles came along lol

  9. Had a crisis but completed most of it apart from the planking bit😂 that is a new level of pain

  10. I really struggled with the planking part at the end.. My wrists just can’t take it! Must be doing it wrong 😫

  11. I followed her the first 4 minutes of the video and then decided since it's my first time doing this, I should just watch her. Also the pain 😪

  12. I have zero core strength after a motorcycle accident, some of these that stretch the abdominal muscles were way too much for me… It'd be great to see some super basic exercises that describe the position slowly, then do the routine… Trying to follow this by watching the video and do the routine simultaneously is not for beginners, it's for people who have some grasp of what they're doing

  13. I'm only half way through and I'm already dying a little
    Edit: It's been 30 seconds and its already so much worse
    Edit 2: I officially am completely out of breath

  14. My hamstrings feel really tight when doing stretchings like this. Can i fix them with these exercises? Or there are easier start up to loosen my hamstrings a little bit before getting into these?

  15. I am going to video myself doing this and then keep replaying it to keep me motivated to get to this point…. and allow me to see my progress… That's my 2020 Goal!! Watching yourself can give you a lot of motivation…

  16. Didn't feel much doing this (except for the legs) but now afterwards muscles hurt in places that I've never considered before. Talk about maximum profit! I liked the sarcastic“Smile because you’re having so much fun doing this with me” haha. I'll come back.

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