My Physical fitness Journey: From Skinny to FIT

My Fitness Journey: From Skinny to FIT

Keep in mind that everyone’s journey and goals are different! I do not want to come off as someone who is seeking sympathy. I did not really go through any rough patches so to speak like many others. I was simply someone who wanted to become healthier mentally and physically, but experienced some trial and error 🙂 There was never anything wrong with the way I looked so please do not think that is what I mean!


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What I Eat In a Day


10 Min Intense Ab Workout

FTC: All products mentioned in my videos were purchased by me. These are my own, honest opinions — not a sponsored video.

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20 thoughts on “My Physical fitness Journey: From Skinny to FIT

  1. Im 104 and its a good weight for a girl tht is 4’11 but i dont have a booty and ai just want a but 😩😂

  2. Oh god, i have 13 years old and i don't amm.. Have…. Yeah, you know, and peoples are amused bc of my body sometimes and i hate this… So i will make exercises to get fit from skinny bc i will go to high school and y'know.. HIGH SCHOOL! I'm so terrified!

  3. Thanks for sharing! For some odd reason, lately, several people have been patting my back or touching my shoulder and it makes me real self conscious because I just think "omg theyre gonna say something about my boney shoulder blades" lmao but anyways, I am getting motivated again to start running again (post-car accident) and this video really helped :')

  4. I’m a chopstick😭 going to gym tonight! 💕 my first time in over a year. Wish me luck!

  5. I’m 86 pounds which is my lowest. My goals is 110. Aré protein shakes good to take everyday.

  6. my body is just like how yours was when you started, i weighed 100 when i started exercising about 2 weeks ago, im trying to gain muscle/weight

  7. So basically you're pretty lucky with great genes and your body responds really well with all the things you're supposed to do to get fit. Nice 😉

  8. Ty for this. I use to be fit, healthy, ate healthy too until i had my third child. Currently with 5 kids now and its so hard to find time for myself, hard to eat healthy too! Once my kids get a little bigger, i am def gonna go back to being healthy

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