Lower Belly Fat Transformation Post C-section #fitnesstransformation

Lower Belly Fat Transformation Post C-section #fitnesstransformation

Beginning my at-home workouts today @growwithjo to obtain your own change! It will certainly require time, perseverance as well as consistency yet I understand you can do it also!

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20 thoughts on “Lower Belly Fat Transformation Post C-section #fitnesstransformation

  1. How long did this take ? Please add that so people don’t think it happens in 2 months or less

  2. الحين انا ايش استفدت مثلا… مفروض تنزلوا الطريقه الذي استخدمتها

  3. معقوله ممكن يصير كذا أنا يأست حتى صرت ما اشتري ملابس احس بكهره لنفسي

  4. Exhale and let me see your actual tummy. I can tell from you intercostal region that you are holding breath.😂😂😂😂😂😂

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