Pollinating the Pricklypear
< img alt=" Belly Fat Cutter" src=" https://live.staticflickr.com/7177/6859275876_26b4b698bc.jpg" width=" 400"/ > Image by bob in overload Lithurgopsis gibbosa, fat delighted bee, cross-pollinating Pricklypear, enthusiastically! She seemingly swims with the stamens gathering the plant pollen grains, which adhere to her furry tummy for transport home. This member of the Megachilidae family members (Leaf cutter bees) is a solitary and elevates her young on her very own. The pollen will certainly be made use of, together with a little nectar, to make a “bee loaf” to feed her young:-RRB-. www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/pollinators/pollinator-of-the-m …( This video clip is extremely short so it suches as to be paused & buffered prior to being played).
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