At-Home Tips to Firm Flabby Arms — The Doctors

< iframe size =" 425" height =" 355" src="" frameborder=" 0" allowfullscreen > Register for The Doctors: LIKE us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Pinterest: Fitness as well as way of life specialist Ashley Borden demonstrates the most effective home workouts to tighten flabby arms.
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< iframe size=" 425" elevation =" 355" src="" frameborder= "0" allowfullscreen > From” Famous “Physical Therapists, Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck, show what exercises you can do to tighten up the excess weight of your lower arm.

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37 thoughts on “At-Home Tips to Firm Flabby Arms — The Doctors

  1. Im no body builder but i used your tactics and within four days i saw a difference in my arm flab …you guys are good

  2. Guys, I surely do not care about the audio. All I care is about the great information!!! And why skip a second, they are soooo FUNNNYYYY!!! Our problem is we keep making up excuses like this that we do not advance or get better. THANK YOUUUU SO MUCH! I WILL PUT THIS TO PRACTICE TODAY!!! Howdy from Houston, TX. 06.23.2020

  3. Good advice, but you cannot get rid of those "wings". In an older person it's the loss of collagen and only cosmetic surgery can correct it. Even Jane Fonda let her "wings" be revealed in an episode of Frankie and Grace. If she could exercise her way to "wingless", she would have. She could also have that much more cosmetic surgery; I wonder why she did not, given the amount of other "work" she has had done.

  4. Ooh, this is an oldie. But goodie! I never saw your earlier ones, very interesting and your sound and studio have Way improved! But the exercise is very helpful: very helpful. Thanks so much; I will use this. PS: Nice to see you guys had that same humor from the start. Made me smile!

  5. Hey you, Jesus is real! He loves you and died for you. You are never too far gone to accept Him in your heart! 🙂 Have a good day!!💝

  6. Any advice if you have bursitis in your elbow?? Maybe these exercises are good for it? Or will they exacerbate it?

  7. Hooked on you guys;) bought your foot massager and I love it!! Everyone should have one♡

  8. It depends from which degree of sagging u are starting from. Mild sagging could be solved with exercises but not all kind

  9. They said in the beginning that this lady lost 80 pounds then how come she doesn’t know these basic things and pretending as if she is just learning something new.

  10. If she lost 80 pounds why isnt she toned?? How n what did she do to loose 80lbs? Why isnt she better toned?? And why is this video so dam short?

  11. I have had neck surgery 2 years ago, so how can I start building muscle after losing 100 pounds?

  12. This was nice unfortunately I can't do nothing but the overhead weights my L1 to L5 are messed up I have degenerative bone disease and lost weight trying to get my bat flaps to go away

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