Diet can affect your blood pressure.

Holly Firfer helps discuss how to control your hypertension through diet regimen.

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15 thoughts on “Diet can affect your blood pressure.

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  7. I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr Igudia on YouTube who cured my high blood pressure with his natural herbs medication which I ordered from him on his YouTube Channel.

  8. Um considering this segment was about the guy who prevented himself dying from CV disease, let's focus specifically on what he said.

    No eggs
    No dairy.

    It doesn't look like he is eating meat, either. Go figure. Eating a salad and your veggies is health promoting.

  9. The heart diet works I am 87 had high blood pressure kidney problems went on the ♥ diet blood pressure went down I got off one medication and my kidney numbers went up stopped salt eadairy

  10. I have been telling to my doctors that food affecting my blood pressure, but what can you explain to idiots?
    Its more about how much you eat.
    Don't eat late.
    Dont eat big portions.
    I have tested on myself.

  11. Yeah…Don’t talk about all of the hidden sugars. Sugar and carbs are the problem! The Standard American Diet Recommendations are the problem. Do the opposite of what they are telling you if you want to be healthy!

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