20 thoughts on “Doctor Explains Why Cellulite Is An Industry Scam!”
Yea…its called marketing
No. I never had it EVER. Then I took a supplement to rid heavy metals that caused extreme diarrhea for weeks. Suddenly I had cellulite. Drank water with salt and other electrolytes for many weeks and it went away. So no, its not normal.
My fiancée is a surgeon. I remember when I complained about my cellulite on my upper thighs n asked him what to use to treat it. He just shrugged it off n said it’s super normal. Cuz I do sport n competitive dance n yet I still have it. I was very unhappy with it n always very embarrassed to wear slightly revealing clothes, even if it’s for the dance.
I learned from him that scarring n preying on women’s insecurities is a lucrative business model. Keep up your work, Doc. It’s amazing to watch busy doctors willingly to share this type of info to public for free.
But how do I get rid of it 🫠
I’m a massage therapist and it’s something we all know too. women will love to buy these wraps and creams and all kinds of shit just to avoid the fact that it’s not their fault in the first place unless you eat a super fatty diet you can get rid of cellulite completely you can massage it out. You can use ultrasound vibrational frequencies that kind of vibrate, the fat tissue into a more Even state… there’s even a machine that I’ve used it one of the spots I worked at that sucks and pushes air at the same time so it’s kind of like a forward and reverse vacuum and it beats rhythmically on your skin in a way that allows the Adipose cute tissue to be more even
That's great but Where's your chonky doggo?
I hope Webster dictionary is taking notes
Thats cool and all…. but does the salt and baking soda work?😂😅😅
Thank you!!!!!
He went away and put em on blast
Cellulite just means you’re most likely healthy even models have it and have it edited out if you don’t have cellulite as a woman you most likely are malnourished
Himalayan salt is a fraud, too! It is a completely unregulated industry. Mined mainly in Pakistan. The reason it's pink is because of contamination of other minerals. These minerals are often heavy metals like mercury and lead. As well as metaloids like arsenic.
Himalayan salt is a gimmick started by the hippie new age cultists and sold as a "health" item but is virtually useless and potentially hazardous
I would buy this argument if it weren’t for the fact that levels of cellulite are more prevalent in certain races than others (Caucasian versus Asian, for example). Do not tell me that this doesn’t have to do with diet because I’m not going to believe you and neither should anyone else. Cellulite is not inevitable, especially if you stick to a healthy diet from an early age.
I would love to see a study of twins that restricts the consumption of any oil/butter/cheese other than what is found in whole food — for example, olives would be acceptable but not olive oil) for 10 years and then compare the skin of each. I would bet good money that the twin who did not consume oil/butter/cheese would have far less cellulite, if any at all (assuming all other factors were equal such as eating in moderation, getting adequate amounts of exercise, et cetera).
To my knowledge, cheese and butter are not typically found in the Asian diet and I suspect that oil is used far less than what is found in the standard American diet … that its acronym is SAD is fitting.
Just like the dental industry
When I saw that my baby had cellulite on her tiny, chubby thighs, I stopped believing it was anything to be ashamed of.
Cellulite is a nightmare if you asked me, I developed it very young as a result of neglect and abuse. I'm still trying to get it to go away!
Eat better fats, store better fats. Its that simple.
Yea…its called marketing
No. I never had it EVER. Then I took a supplement to rid heavy metals that caused extreme diarrhea for weeks. Suddenly I had cellulite. Drank water with salt and other electrolytes for many weeks and it went away. So no, its not normal.
My fiancée is a surgeon. I remember when I complained about my cellulite on my upper thighs n asked him what to use to treat it. He just shrugged it off n said it’s super normal. Cuz I do sport n competitive dance n yet I still have it. I was very unhappy with it n always very embarrassed to wear slightly revealing clothes, even if it’s for the dance.
I learned from him that scarring n preying on women’s insecurities is a lucrative business model. Keep up your work, Doc. It’s amazing to watch busy doctors willingly to share this type of info to public for free.
But how do I get rid of it 🫠
I’m a massage therapist and it’s something we all know too. women will love to buy these wraps and creams and all kinds of shit just to avoid the fact that it’s not their fault in the first place unless you eat a super fatty diet you can get rid of cellulite completely you can massage it out. You can use ultrasound vibrational frequencies that kind of vibrate, the fat tissue into a more Even state… there’s even a machine that I’ve used it one of the spots I worked at that sucks and pushes air at the same time so it’s kind of like a forward and reverse vacuum and it beats rhythmically on your skin in a way that allows the Adipose cute tissue to be more even
That's great but Where's your chonky doggo?
I hope Webster dictionary is taking notes
Thats cool and all…. but does the salt and baking soda work?😂😅😅
Thank you!!!!!
He went away and put em on blast
Cellulite just means you’re most likely healthy even models have it and have it edited out if you don’t have cellulite as a woman you most likely are malnourished
Himalayan salt is a fraud, too! It is a completely unregulated industry. Mined mainly in Pakistan. The reason it's pink is because of contamination of other minerals. These minerals are often heavy metals like mercury and lead. As well as metaloids like arsenic.
Himalayan salt is a gimmick started by the hippie new age cultists and sold as a "health" item but is virtually useless and potentially hazardous
I would buy this argument if it weren’t for the fact that levels of cellulite are more prevalent in certain races than others (Caucasian versus Asian, for example). Do not tell me that this doesn’t have to do with diet because I’m not going to believe you and neither should anyone else. Cellulite is not inevitable, especially if you stick to a healthy diet from an early age.
I would love to see a study of twins that restricts the consumption of any oil/butter/cheese other than what is found in whole food — for example, olives would be acceptable but not olive oil) for 10 years and then compare the skin of each. I would bet good money that the twin who did not consume oil/butter/cheese would have far less cellulite, if any at all (assuming all other factors were equal such as eating in moderation, getting adequate amounts of exercise, et cetera).
To my knowledge, cheese and butter are not typically found in the Asian diet and I suspect that oil is used far less than what is found in the standard American diet … that its acronym is SAD is fitting.
Just like the dental industry
When I saw that my baby had cellulite on her tiny, chubby thighs, I stopped believing it was anything to be ashamed of.
Cellulite is a nightmare if you asked me, I developed it very young as a result of neglect and abuse. I'm still trying to get it to go away!
Eat better fats, store better fats. Its that simple.
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