WEIGHT LOSS MOTIVATION | how to keep going when you want to quit

< iframe width="425" height="355" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QI6JlL1cU-Q?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen > Body and mind weight loss inspiration with Weight Loss Coach, Dani Spies. Learn four ideas to help you maintain going when you desire to give up. 6-Week Mind + Body Weightloss Program ➡ https://thedontdiet.com/

Quitting is a habit that will not help you reach your weight loss objectives. Discover why numerous people stopped on ourselves plus some extremely practical pointers to stay dedicated to our health and weight loss objectives.

The Do not Diet Plan is a 6-week step-by-step mind + body weight loss training course for women as well as men who wish to quit beating themselves up as well as prepare to enjoy their bodies, enjoy their food and also shed weight in a kind, sustainable way. ➡ https://thedontdiet.com/

Many thanks for seeing! Ensure to subscribe for more video clips: http://tinyurl.com/jaxbcd6​

0:00 Intro
1:39 Why do we quit?
5:05 Why we stopped, part 2
6:33 Taking care of the objective
7:32 Criticism vs. Curiosity
8:51 Staying kind to ourselves
9:47 Pausing
11:52 The Don’t Diet plan

Exactly How To Quit Overindulging: https://youtu.be/Fjec1c3oaLg
6 Natural Weight Loss Tips: https://youtu.be/rUuAeto5Qe4
Physical vs. Emotional Appetite: https://youtu.be/ac0zcI8XTSo​
Detox 360: https://youtu.be/5RQ2nL9m4UA​
Discovering the Right Diet for You: https://youtu.be/POYKUJKyztY​
5 Tips for Curbing Sugar Cravings: https://youtu.be/sG6_SmU0mkY​

Many thanks for enjoying! I wish you have a healthy and tasty day! – xo Dani

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#weightlossmotivation #howtokeepgoing #naturalweightloss
Video Ranking:/ 5

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19 thoughts on “WEIGHT LOSS MOTIVATION | how to keep going when you want to quit

  1. I have tried loosing weight skipping on daily bases and l also managed to reduce my food quantities eventually l lost weight that was on my holidays .Got back to University and l cannot maintain my life style l have really retained weight oooooh it's really bad l need your motivation

  2. I have a younger daughter and on my weight loss journey I had to understand that although I am on this journey my daughter wouldn't be going on this journey with me . So today she asked me for some soda and I allowed it but now it is in house saying drink me DRINK ME . I'm not much of a soda drinker but today it really tempted me . So I thought, I don't want to do this diet anymore . Then I YouTubed what to do when u want to quit ur diet . And I found this video. I took what you said into consideration and one thing that really marinated was "be gentle to yourself " i allow one cheat day out of the week and I thought that would be enough but here this soda is looking at me. So I told myself drink one bottle of water and then go ahead . At least if you are are dehydrated you will have the water and this will allow u to drink less soda so . I drank the water and did some laundry . I know this won't help others with the temptation but I feel if I wasn't gracious to myself I would have let it torcher me. Long story short my body was just thirsty and I didn't even want the soda 🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess this was also a learning experience

  3. Thank you so much for this! I needed to hear every last bit of this video. I've been yo-yo dieting all my life. And as of the start of June kicked myself, I've got down from 16st 5lbs to 13st 8lbs. I still have a long way to go, and have felt defeated seeing that I've slimmed up on my arms and legs, but my stomach is still nowhere near.

    At this point it'd be easy to quit, and I've been trying to find excuses to stop trying. This video has gotten through to me more than my friends and family have.

    I appreciate you so much! I hope this video has helped others as much as it has me 🙂

  4. I find that constantly weighing yourself is a BIG demotivator. There are so many things that can cause our weight to fluctuate, so instead focus on internal changes. Do you feel better/stronger? Do you feel energized? Etc. The external changes come with time

  5. This is the single best piece of advice I’ve heard. Instead of making the cycle of failure and new resolutions easier through continuous practice pick a new weight loss strategy which will become easy with practice.

    When you’re at the point where you have to make a decision if you’re gonna win or fail, just think about how much easier it will be the next time you need to exercise control.

  6. I’ve taken a 3 week break and gained back 4 pounds of my 12 pound weight loss. I got discouraged because I was way too hungry on my 2100 calories. Blood sugar came down. Protein at every meal. Made 215 calorie veggie soup to help keep me full. Are big bowls of veggies to make me full enough to feel comfortable. Had thyroid checked. Just don’t get why I’m so hungry on 2100 cal. Log all my food on my fitness pal. Keep going over 300-400 calories or more And stopped losing weight. I’m confused and frozen so I gave up. Trying to get back on track but I’m scared to be hungry again. It’s true hunger. Not emotional hunger. I know the difference.

  7. First time seeing this video, and I needed to see this video today! I was feeling like quitting today. But, now, I'm more motivated by watching this!

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